I'm an artist, mostly in 3D printed steel. Here you'll find sculpture, cephalopods, and laser etched xf5.app加速器.



旋风加速器app官网 I'm OK and minding the store, and I'll update here if that changes.

Take care, stay well.



Complex data etched into cubes of glass. Laser etching starts where 3D printing gives up: it draws unstructural clouds of information with precision and grace.


Got your own data? At CrystalProteins I can draw it in glass. Proteins and molecules are a specialty, anything that is 3D and complex can be interesting.
Sizes go from keychains to large awards, quantities one to hundreds – they're great for gifts, awards, or just to see your data made real.


This site offers mostly steel. I also have a 网页加速器, with many materials in a range of prices: plastics, polished brass and bronze, steel with different finishes, silver and other precious metals.

Whether you're shopping or just checking out some art, I hope you enjoy these designs. I've been here since before Patreon or Kickstarter existed, and for that I'm grateful to you.

Thanks for visiting.