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In keeping with UChicago’s tradition of rigorous inquiry, the Institute brings together scholars, researchers, and educators from around the world to communicate across boundaries and develop new dialogues around knowledge in varying contexts. Our research spans histories, cultures, and disciplines.



Learn About the Stevanovich Institute

Our mission is to educate a new generation to approach contemporary problems with historical worldviews, interdisciplinary methodologies, and cross-cultural understanding.

Discover Our 5 Tenets in the Study of Knowledge

Curious about what it means to study the formation of knowledge? Read the 5 tenets that guide our research at SIFK.


Get to know our people and their research, from our core faculty to our postdoctoral researchers.

Read Our Journal

KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge investigates the construction, transmission, and contestation of knowledge forms.

Explore Our Current Research Theme

Every two years, SIFK announces a new research theme designed to shape some of the work undertaken at the Stevanovich Institute during that period and to be the focus of our biannual conference.


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Get a glimpse of the outside world when you stay up to date with SIFK across our social media platforms!

Read Formations | The SIFK Blog

In our blog series, Formations, SIFK's researchers explore the limits of empathy, how we visualize disease, what constitutes a person, and more.

Read Our Journal

Created and edited by SIFK, KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge investigates the construction, transmission, and contestation of knowledge forms.

Sign Up for Our Mailing List

Don’t miss out on upcoming events, opportunities, and more. Keep up with the Institute by subscribing to our mailing list.


Introducing the MAPSS Track on the Formation of Knowledge

Learn more about SIFK's new partnership with UChicago's Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

Take Our Courses

View KNOW undergraduate and graduate courses for the 2019-20 academic year.

Submit Your Article

Submit your manuscript to KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge via the online system at University of Chicago Press Journals.

Apply for a Conference Co-Sponsorship

SIFK supports conferences, lectures, and other events at the University of Chicago that explore questions of knowledge formation throughout the ages.


Helping Hands: Uncovering an Eighteenth-century Midwifery Manual

SIFK Research Associate Margaret Carlyle writes on an 18th Century midwifery manual for McGill University's Osler Library of the History of Medicine.

Covid-19 and the Long History of Racially Maldistributed Mortality

In the latest instalment of the SIFK blog, SIFK Postdoctoral Fellow Alexander Mazzaferro investigates America's long history of racial disparity and its impact on the nation's COVID-19 response.

Famine Is a Choice

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Check out our Latest Newsletter!

See what's happening this quarter at SIFK, and hear what our faculty has to say about the transition to online learning.

Stay Up-to-Date on COVID-19

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